Upload and Share Your Files

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.


Upload and share files for free. You can upload your files and share them anywhere. Fastupload.io is a file-sharing service that offers fast upload and download speeds.

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Storage

Upload Files Secure, Anonymous, Fast and Free! File uploads are available indefinitely, as long as they remain active. All extensions are allowed. There are no download or storage limits.

Fast Upload

Fast Upload

uploa.dk has a variety of data centers in different regions around the globe, allowing us to provide lightning-fast file sharing to all our users. Whether you need files to download or upload and share, you can count on us.

Share Anywhere

Share Anywhere

Your files will be available for download via a link. The link can be shared with Anyone, Anywhere! We host your files in the Cloud after the upload is completed. There is no account required to download files from our service.

Multiple Uploads

Multiple Uploads

You may need more than one file uploaded at a given time. No problem! You can upload multiple files at once without any delay and no need to register. Thanks to our speedy servers, the file upload will be faster than ever.

File Manager

File Manager

Register now to get a free account with access to advanced features! Easily manage your files, delete or re-share them with your friends. Password protect downloads, Auto delete files, Create folders, Preview PDFs' and Images.

File Encryption

File Encryption

Securely transfer your files to our server using end-to-end encryption HTTPS, TLSv1.3, and SHA256. All communication to, from, and among our servers, including file downloads. User accounts have 2FA Authentication feature.


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Monthly Yearly Lifetime


Starter plan

1.00 GB Storage space
100.00 MB Size per file
Files available for 1 day
Upload 2 files at once
Password protected files


Basic plan

10.00 GB Storage space
1.00 GB Size per file
Files available for 7 days
Upload 5 files at once
No advertisements
Password protected files


Premium plan

Unlimited Storage space
Unlimited Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 100 files at once
Password protected files


Starter plan

1.00 GB Storage space
100.00 MB Size per file
Files available for 1 day
Upload 2 files at once
Password protected files


Basic plan

10.00 GB Storage space
1.00 GB Size per file
Files available for 7 days
Upload 5 files at once
No advertisements
Password protected files


Premium plan

Unlimited Storage space
Unlimited Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 100 files at once
No advertisements
Password protected files

Lifetime Premium

Lifetime Plan

Unlimited Storage space
Unlimited Size per file
Files available for Unlimited time
Upload 100 files at once
No advertisements
Password protected files

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Launching uploa.dk Service

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Your questions answered

Drag and drop the files into the uploader on fastupload. After the file upload is completed, you will be given a unique URL that can be shared with others.

As long as your files are regularly downloaded, they will not be deleted. If a file is no longer downloaded, it becomes inactive and is subject to deletion after 30 days.

Our service allows you to upload files of any file type, like .zip, .rar, or .apk, as long as they're legal.

No Limit is placed on the number of files that can be downloaded. Your file uploads can be accessed continuously and downloaded without any bandwidth restrictions.

The file-hosting services offered by uploa.dk are free for everyone. There are no fees.

Simply click the "download" button if you have been provided with a unique URL for an upload file.

Any file that violates any law, our terms and conditions, or has been flagged as malicious will be deleted immediately.

If you believe the uploaded file violates any laws or our terms of service, use the "Report File" button on the download page. Contact Us or email abuse@uploa.dk.

The maximum file size for a single file is 2GB.

On uploa.dk, Whether you're sharing photos, videos, audio, or docs, Fastupload can simplify your workflow.

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Max File Size 100.00 MB / Files available for 1 day

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer

Password protection

The password helps protect your file from public accessing

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